Has Your Child Been Diagnosed With ADHD? 4 Tips To Help Them Adjust To The Changes
If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD, it's time to start making some adjustments around the house. Many people believe that ADHD is simply hyperactivity. However, that's not entirely true. While children with ADHD do tend to be more fidgety than others, there are other issues at play. If your child has ADHD, you need to learn how to help your child find a way to work through the difficulties they'll face. By working with your child, you can help them learn ways to slow down and work through the fidgets. Here are four tips that will help your child adjust to life with ADHD.
Encourage Ponder Time
One of the issues involving ADHD is the tendency to blurt out answers and responses without waiting. Unfortunately, this can often cause problems with their education because they answer before they've formulated the correct response. Working with your child, and encouraging ponder time, can help them learn to think before they speak. Start by asking a question and encouraging your child to count to two before answering. Once your child can successfully wait for a two-count before answering a question, move on to a three-count. Continue this process until your child can successfully wait for a full five-count before answering a question.
Avoid Oversized Tasks
If your child has ADHD, they may have a difficult time working through complex tasks. Large, complex tasks can become too confusing and stressful for the child with ADHD. To help your child avoid stressful situations, try to avoid oversized tasks. For instance, instead of placing all their homework on the table in front of them, start with one or two assignments. Once they finish those assignments, bring out the next one. Your child will have an easier time completing their assignments when they're broken up into smaller components.
Keep the Distractions to a Minimum
When it comes to ADHD, even minor distractions can be a major problem. To help your child stay on task, try to keep distractions to a minimum. For instance, when your child is doing homework, keep the television and other electronic devices off. Have your child work in a room that is away from as many distractions as possible.
Provide Plenty of Time for Physical Activities
If your child has ADHD, they may have times when they don't know what to do with all the pent up energy. This may cause them to act out in unacceptable behavior. You can help avoid those outbursts by providing plenty of time for physical activities. One way to do that is to encourage 30-minutes of outdoor play for every 30-minutes of screen time that your child engages in.
To learn more, contact a practice such as Associated Psychologists & Counselors.